It is against League and FA rules to post comments that are or maybe conceived as offensive, insulting, abusive, threatening, racist, and discriminatory or any other reference that may cause offence or harm to others.
Any such comment made on a club websites and/or social networking sites regarding officials may result in disciplinary action being taken in line with The FA’s Disciplinary policies and procedures.
Comments made on websites that are threatening abusive or racist could lead to legal action being taken against those responsible for posting or hosting them. Comments made may attract libel claims and legal action through the civil courts if they are untrue or defamatory.
We strongly encourage any match reports, online or otherwise, to focus on the participation and development of the fixture rather than the outcome. References to win/lose/draw or naming all of the goal-scorers and how many goals were conceded are all ways to indicate the result, which are prohibited.
We kindly ask that all supporters follow the FA Guidance.
General Data Protection Regulation requires that any photographs or video content posted on social media must have the permission of the subject. In the instance of children under the age of 13, permission must be granted by the parent or legal guardian. Those aged 13 to 18 require consent from both parent/guardian and the minor themselves.
Any photos or video that are taken during a game or event including other players, supporters and teams, must be cropped or filtered to remove any individual who has not consented their permission of use.
Please do not be offended if you are requested to remove any posts that do not meet GDPR requirements.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the committee.