Hi, my name is Adam and I have been involved in youth football for 10 years now and a club and association welfare officer (and referee) for 8 years. Father of 7, all who have completed or still are on their grassroots journey. They always say if you want a job doing, ask a busy person!
My email, lwo@fdyfl.com, and phone, 07301 948 522, are always open if you need help, advice or support.
Anyone who has a concern about the welfare of a child and/or the behaviour of an adult towards a child or young person under 18 years of age in football is required to refer it to the Kent FA Safeguarding Team.
If your concern involves possible or actual risk of harm to children, you can call The NSPCC 24-hour helpline on 0808 800 5000.
If a child is in immediate danger, contact the Police without delay.
If you’ve seen discrimination in football, online or at a grassroots, non-league or professional game, don’t turn away. Report it, so we can get the right people involved and support everyone affected.
The FA is committed to safeguarding children in England. From ensuring best practice and recognising poor practice to understanding how to report concerns quickly and effectively, we believe that making football fun, enjoyable and safe is everyone’s responsibility.